Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

2024 Water Rates & Fees

Monthly User Fee:
Water Rate Charge:
$4.60 per every 1,000 gallons used
( Or $0.0046 per gallon )

Your monthly bill is calculated by using the following calculation:  Usage X Water Rate + Monthly User Fee.

If you do not use any water you still must pay the monthly user fee.

Below are two examples of how to calculate your water bill.

The first example would be to take your water usage in gallons and divide that by 1,000. Then multiply by the water rate of $4.60. Then you would add the $14.00 monthly user fee. If you used 4,450 gals in a month, you can calculate it like this:

4,450 gallons (usage) divided by 1,000 gallons multiplied by $4.60(water rate per 1,000 gallons) plus $14.00 (monthly base rate) = $34.47

In the second example, you may also change the formula by using the rate per gallon ($0.0046). Here you would multiply your water used by $0.0046 then add the monthly base rate of $14.00. Below is an example using the same usage above of 4,450 gallons:

4,450 gallons (usage) multiplied by $0.0046 (water rate per gallon) plus $14.00 (monthly base rate) = $34.47

Tap Fees - Domestic Water

Tap Size Fee
3/4 inch tap $ 2,000.00
1 inch tap $ 3,200.00
2 inch tap $12,000.00
3 inch & Above Contact Office

Tap Fees - Irrigation Water

Tap Size Fee
¾ inch split tap $ 1,250.00
¾ inch dedicated tap $2,000.00
1 inch split tap $1,850.00
1 inch dedicated tap $3,200.00
2 inch dedicated tap $12,000.00

All new in-ground irrigation systems must have a seperate irrigation meter.

Final approval of meter size, meter type and meter location is determined by Iredell Water Corporation.

Membership & Deposit Fees

Type Fee Amount
Membership $10.00, refundable when account is closed.
Owner Deposit $50.00, refundable after 24 months of excellent payment history, (no late payments)*
Renter Deposit $100.00, refundable when account is closed.*
Hydrant Meter Deposit $1,500.00, refundable when account is closed.*

* There will be a $50.00 service fee charged to accounts with less than 30 days active service.

Other fees available in our Schedule of Fees & Charges below.

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