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Iredell Water Issues Stage Two Mandatory Water Shortage Condition

With Iredell County designated as an area of severe and moderate drought despite recent rains, Iredell Water must move into a Stage Two Mandatory Water Shortage Condition that requires our customers using irrigation to shift a mandatory watering schedule as of today, Thursday, July 18th.   


(You can view the U.S. Drought Monitor map here:

Under the Stage Two Mandatory Water Shortage Condition, Iredell Water Corporation is implementing stricter water use restrictions to manage consumption patterns.  The following measures are now mandatory:


Mandatory Irrigation Restrictions:

Lawn and landscape irrigation is allowed only during the following times and locations:

  1. Odd-numbered street addresses:
  • Tuesday 8 p.m. to Wednesday 8 a.m.
  • Saturday 8 p.m. to Sunday 8 a.m.
  1. Even-numbered street addresses and unnumbered addresses:
  • Thursday 8 p.m. to Friday 8 a.m.
  • Sunday 8 p.m. to Monday 8 a.m.


Iredell Water is also asking our customers to voluntarily restrict their indoor use of water to protect the water supply, in case the drought conditions continue or get even worse.

As a result, Iredell Water is asking our customers to cut water use by taking the following steps:

  • Repair all known leaks.
  • Limit at-home car washing to the minimum.
  • Limit lawn and garden watering to that which is necessary for plants to survive.
  • Do not wash down outside areas such as sidewalks, patios, parking lots, service bays or aprons, etc.
  • Water shrubbery to the minimum required, reusing household water when possible.
  • Do not leave faucets running while shaving or rinsing dishes.
  • Limit use of clothes washers and dish washers and when used, operate when fully loaded.
  • Use of showers for bathing, rather than bathtub, and limit showers to no more than four (4) minutes.
  • Limit flushing of toilets. Think “If it’s yellow, be mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down.”
  • Use of disposable and biodegradable dishes, if possible.
  • Using flow-restrictive and water-saving devices.
  • Limit hours of operation of water-cooled air conditioners.
  • Use only hoses with spring-activated nozzles when watering lawns and gardens.

We are also asking residents, businesses, and institutions to temporarily delay new landscape work until the water shortage condition has ended.

Iredell Water thanks our customers in advance for helping us protect our water supply before significant issues arise, and we hope that we all receive more rain soon.

Lead Safe Community

If you home or business was contructed prior to March 1987 please click the link below to complete the Service Line Survey for your home or business:

Water Line Material Survey


To learn more about our "Get the Lead Out" Campaign, our compliance with the newly Revised Lead & Copper Rule, and the Service Line Inventory which is required by the US EPA and NCDEQ please click the following link:

Iredell Water Lead Safe Community Page