Update on the Lead Service Line Inventory Project
June 06, 2024
Good Afternoon!
Iredell Water would first like to thank each of our customers who have submitted a self-inventory of their private service line in the last couple of months. 677 surveys have been completed since we first released our Water Line Material Survey on our website.
The purpose of the survey - and our own inventory work within Iredell Water - is to find any possible lead service lines located in or connected to our water system, both on our side of the property line and yours. Iredell Water is required by the US EPA and NC DEQ to inventory every service line, - whether owned by Iredell Water or the customer - in our system and submit an initial inventory to NCDEQ by October 16th, 2024.
I’m pleased to tell you that we are well on our way to meeting the requirements, and the results of our inventory work are extremely promising. So far, we have been able to identify all Iredell Water lines as being non-lead, and more than 76% of our customer lines as being non-lead.
To achieve even better results, we are moving into our third phase of the project which will include our staff or contractors performing field surveys of the remaining 2,590 unknown private services.
These inspections will require us to physically use small, excavated holes to find the private service line on the backside of the water meter box of each unknown private service and confirm what material the service line is made of.
Before we begin our third phase, we are making one last push to ask customers to take part in our survey and submit their inspections of their private line service line to or in structures built prior to March 1987. Your valuable input will allow us to reduce the number of field inspections we must perform before October.
If your home or business was constructed prior to March 1987 and you have not taken part in our survey, please go to our website and complete the Water Line Material Survey as soon as possible. It will save both you and Iredell Water a lot of time and money.
Thank you for your help and support!
Danny Sloan
Iredell Water Corporation