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Amended Bylaws Adopted 06-16-2020

Notice is hereby given that newly Amended Corporation Bylaws were adopted at the monthly meeting of Board of Directors of Iredell Water Corporation held at Iredell Water Corporation on June 16th, 2020. Our Board of Director's goal is to review the bylaws at least every 5 years. An amendemnet was made to Section 6.3 : "Director Nominations". This amendment was to correct an issue of a section that was in the original bylaws, but was mistakenly deleted from the amended bylaws approved in 2017. The newly amended bylaws are available on our website by going under the all forms and reports tab and going to the lower section of the page and opening the document titled "Amended Corporation Bylaws 2020". If you can not open the document, the bylaws are also available for review at our office.